Sudah agak lama aku merindui gelak ketawa dan kata-kata bestari seorang teman yang ku kenal selepas meninggalkan kerja tetap di perkhidmatan awam. Dia gigih menjalankan kerja-kerja amal sukerela yang berpusat di masjid. Dia seorang ahli bahasa dan selalau memperbetulkan penulisan ku dalam buletin masjid yang ku kendalikan untuk beberapa tahun semasa aku membantu Biro Wanita masjid tersebut.
Dua hari dulu aku berkesempatan untuk makan tengah hari bersamanya. Dia agak kurus dan kelihatan kurang ceria, tidak seperti yang ku lihat tidak lama dulu. Kami makan nasi padang dan bercerita 'catching up with lost time'. Aku berhati-hati menerokai sabab musabab perilakunya yang kurang ceria dan agak tidak rancak untuk berbual-bual menisi masa. Kami berdua sahaja dan pastinya mudah kalau mahu bercakap sesuatu yang agak sulit tentang diri masing-masing. Rupa-rupanya teman ku ini sudah "berpisah" dengan suaminya. Agak terkejut juga kerana selama ku kenal dia, tidak nampak apa-apa kesan pada dirinya yang menunjukan perjalanan hidupnya tidak begitu gembira dan selesa. Aku mengenali suaminya. Seorang penjawat awam yang amat senior dalam jawatan yang dipegangnya. Dalam hati aku kebingungan juga memikirkannya.
Untuk memendekan kisah derap langkah perjalanan hidup, dia menceritakan suaminya telah bernikah seorang lagi. Ini seolah-olah seperti cerita biasa, amat biasa kerana dalam gaya hidup sekarang ramai anak-anak gadis atau wanita-wanita muda yang sukakan lelaki yang lebih tua, yang pendapatannya stabil dan punya harta. Dan lelaki pula ada yang suka bergaya walaupun sudah "tua". Mana ada lelaki yang rasa dia tua, herdik temanku bila ku kata kenapa sudah tua masih suka bergaya, walhal garis penamat dalam perjalan hidup sudah hampir kepenghujungnya. Tak tahulah. Pastinya lelaki ada pendiriannya dan wanita juga ada citarasanya.
Tidak salah beristeri dua, tiga atau "sesukanya". Itu hak katanya. Islam membenarkannya, tetapi tidak termasuk "sesukanya". Dia seperti agak kecewa dengan kedudukannya. Aku memahaminya. Tetapi bukan hukum yang harus dipersalahkan kerana Islam mempunyai keunggulan dalam segala peraturan hidup pendukungnya. Cuma lelaki kadangkala tersilap dalam tafsirannya dan sering lupa perjalanan hidup ini sudah agak jauh dan hampir mencapai matlamatnya. Mengapa pula di hujung-hujung perjalanan perlu memilih perubahan yang sudah agak sukar untuk penyesuaian dirinya. Aku tiada jawapan kerana semua kita mungkin ada masaalah yang serupa. Kebarangkalian kita juga jadi "mangsa" memang ada. Aku ingat kata orang tua-tua : Itulah peranan isteri. Mesti bersedia walaupun apa padahnya.
Dugaan dari Allah berbeza-beza, aku cuba befalasafah padanya. Kita terima sahaja. Pasti ada hikmahnya. Teman ku senyum tetapi senyumannya agak tidak meyakinkan dirinya. Atau mungkin dia hanya cuba mahu bersetuju dengan ku kerana hidup ini tidak ada siapa yang boleh menduga dimana ranjau-ranjau akan menjelma.
Keindahan perkahwinan di zaman muda hanya tinggal kenangan jua. Tetapi dia semacam tidak mahu mengenanganya. Banyak yang pahit katanya. Tetapi dia redha dan bersyukur kerana Allah telah mengurnia anak-anak yang berjaya dalam pengasuhannya dan didikannya. Dan mereka amat memahami "penderitan" ibunya. Alhamdulilah. Dia tidak putus- putus menyebutnya sepanjang perbincangan kita. Tetapi dalam hatiku tertanya-tanya. Kalau benar-benar redha kenapa senyuman dan gelak ketawanya tidak ceria. Seperti tersenyum dalam tangisan yang dirasainya. Aku cuba bertanya kalau dapat memahami rasa isi hatinya. Alangkah terkejut sekali lagi kerana katanya dia baru mula sembuh dari operasi 'breast canser' yang dihidapnya. Sebab itu beberapa bulan aku tidak bersua dengan nya. Dia "menghilang" bukan sebab suaminya meminggirkannya, tetapi kerana dia tidak berdaya kerana penyakit kanser yang ada padanya.
Derap langkah perjalanan kehidupan ini penuh peristiwa yang tiada siapa boleh "memilihnya". Cuma kita manusia yang menjadi isteri perlu berwaspada dan bersedia. Dalam umur kini yang hampir kepenghujungnya, kita sakit suami ada tetapi seperti tiada. Suami seronok beristeri muda, temanku ini berkata: "tak apalah. Itu rezeki dia. Tentu Allah ada yang istimewa untuk kita juga". Ia, aku sungguh-sungguh bersetuju dengannya. Hamba yang sabar dan redha atas ujianNya pasti ada ganjaran yang menantinya. Kasih sayang Allah tidak dizahirkan pada hambaNya seperti kita menzahirkan kasih sayang kita sesama manusia. Jangan kita sibuk mengira "kesusahan" dari Nya. Kira juga segala Rahmat yang Allah telah kurniakan. Maka Al Quran pun berkata : "maka yang mana satu nikmat Tuhan mu yang kamu hendak dustakan?"
"Hai jiwa yang tenang, kembalilah kepada Tuhan mu, dengan hati yang puas lagi diredhaiNya, maka masuklah dalam jemaah hamba - hamba Ku dan masuklah dalam Syurga Ku."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The breasts, constitute the ultimate physical beauty of a woman. But even without, a woman can be just as beautiful if not more. This is because Allah's creations is a beauty whichever way you look at, and whichever way you feel. MasyaAllah.
I am writing in pink in solidarity with women who has cancer, and I hope I am not too late to join in this Breast Cancer Awareness Month. From the time I know of Cancer, and of breast cancer in particular I have 'lost' three of my closest friends. I have lost Kak Ot (a friend in need), Mahani, my secretary, and Kamala, my office assistant. Right now I have several friends and former staff members who are bravely going through Cancer treatment. I know everyone of them dearly and I could only say : "hang on there. Allah is closest in time of need with prayers and du'a". How could I do any better.
I do not have cancer, alhamdulilah and hopefully never will. But if Allah wills it, I will learn to be just as grateful as can be, insyaAllah. But I have the others - high blood, diabetes, and heart related problems to name a few. I am told these are not terminal, unlike cancer. But I often say to friends of what I believe that Sickness is a blessing in disguise, in whatever form it takes. Sickness and death has little correlations, really, although statistically it may seem so.
I am not being simplistic, nor am I being naive. I am only being realistic. What we need to do is not to worry but to work realistically towards maintaining good health and leave the rest to Allah swt. It is not death that we should be worried about, but our preparation to 'live' after death that is of utmost importance.
Therefore let us work hard to live happily here and now, and also work hard in preparation to face the Moment of Truth, death.
May Allah bless all our dear friends who are now battling with cancer with strength and wisdom, and may Allah bless us all here and hereafter. Amin.
I am writing in pink in solidarity with women who has cancer, and I hope I am not too late to join in this Breast Cancer Awareness Month. From the time I know of Cancer, and of breast cancer in particular I have 'lost' three of my closest friends. I have lost Kak Ot (a friend in need), Mahani, my secretary, and Kamala, my office assistant. Right now I have several friends and former staff members who are bravely going through Cancer treatment. I know everyone of them dearly and I could only say : "hang on there. Allah is closest in time of need with prayers and du'a". How could I do any better.
I do not have cancer, alhamdulilah and hopefully never will. But if Allah wills it, I will learn to be just as grateful as can be, insyaAllah. But I have the others - high blood, diabetes, and heart related problems to name a few. I am told these are not terminal, unlike cancer. But I often say to friends of what I believe that Sickness is a blessing in disguise, in whatever form it takes. Sickness and death has little correlations, really, although statistically it may seem so.
I am not being simplistic, nor am I being naive. I am only being realistic. What we need to do is not to worry but to work realistically towards maintaining good health and leave the rest to Allah swt. It is not death that we should be worried about, but our preparation to 'live' after death that is of utmost importance.
Therefore let us work hard to live happily here and now, and also work hard in preparation to face the Moment of Truth, death.
May Allah bless all our dear friends who are now battling with cancer with strength and wisdom, and may Allah bless us all here and hereafter. Amin.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Cara mengajar rukun Islam dahulu dan sekarang amat berbeza. Ambillah rukun membayar zakat sebagai contohnya. Mungkin dahulu (dalam tahun akhir-akhir lima puluhan) semasa saya di sekolah agama negeri Johor, belum banyak ustaz dan ustazah yang tinggi ilmu dan fikrahnya. Jadi pengajaran mengenai zakat berfokus kepada fungsi sosialnya sahaja, dan bukan fungsi ekonomi seperti yang sewajarnya.
Bila saya kenang kembali, agak rasa terkilan juga. Tetapi apakan daya. "Nobody was any wiser". Mithalnya apabila kami diajar mengenai kadar bayaran zakat untuk emas dan perak, Ustaz akan mengajar kiraan kadarnya tetapi dalam celah-celah itu ia mengatakan bahawa kalau kita tidak hendak kena membayar zakat, maka pakailah barang-barang kemas itu. Bila kita pakai, maka sudah tidak wajib bayar zakat. Semacam begitu mudah, dan semacam Zakat tidak serious. Oleh itu wanita diperingkat umur Allah yarham emak saya, mereka tidak membayar zakat barang kemas kerana semuanya dipakai berganti-ganti. Alangkah ruginya emak saya dan kakak-kakak yang tua dari saya.Seolah-olah mereka diajar untuk mengelak bayar zakat.
Elemen itu sekarang ini pun masih terdapat juga di sana sini walaupun tidak banyak seperti dahulu. Namun dari segi fungsi ekonomi, ramai lagi yang belum faham bagaimana ekonomi Islam terbina berasaskan prinsip zakat. Antara salah satu prinsip ekonomi ialah fakta hol. Kita kena bayar setelah melonggokkan harta kita dalam bentuk apa jua dalam masa setahun. Kita tidak digalakkan menyimpan harta dan tidak membelanjakannya kerana jika berbuat demikian dia mengurangkan modal pusingan untuk pelaboran. Demikian seterusnya. Sebab itu Zakat menjadi rukun dalam aqidah Islam kerana Ekonomi adalah fakta penting. Fakta sosial pun penting juga. Jadi zakat mempunyai serampang dua mata. Indah sungguh Islam.
Jika kita lihat dari gambaran yang besarnya pula, (apabila telah faham) kita akan bergesa-gesa untuk membayar zakat harta, lagi banyak lagi baik kerana ekonomi Islam akan terbina dengan lebih kukuh lagi. Bukan itu sahaja. Kita akan dapat membentuk satu masyarakat yang mampan kerana yang miskin fakir dan asnaf yang lapan itu akan terbela. Jika umat Islam berlumba-lumba untuk membayar zakat, maka akan tercapai hasrat untuk mewujudkan masyarakat Islam yang tidak lagi perlu di beri bantuan. Saya difahamkan di zaman pemeritahan khalifah Umar Abd. Aziz, amat susah mencari asnaf yang lapan itu. MasyaAllah.
Alhamdulilah, sekarang ini kesedaran untuk berlumba-lumba membayar zakat di Malaysia sudah mula menyerlah. Itu maklumat yang kami diberi tahu oleh JAIS/MAIS. Dan jika ini berlaku diseluruh dunia, iaitu kekayan negara Islam pergi ke asnaf yang lapan disamping negara-negara Islam melabor di negara Islam yang lain yang amat perlu pada pelaboran asing, pasti Ekonomi umat Islam akan mampu menyaingi ekonomi kaum Yahudi. Malang nya ini belum berlaku. Ke mana agaknya kekayaan negara -negara Islam yang banyak minyak. Disalurkan ke negara mana agaknya. Kalau kekayaan umat Islam dapat disatukan, dan hati-hati umat Islam juga dapat disatukan, tidak ada lagi peperang seperti hari ini. Tidak akan ada umat Islam yang ditindas dan tidak terbela. Semoga timbul keinsafan semua pihak termasuk diri-diri kita sendiri dan insyAllah kegemilangan Islam akan kembali bertapak. Kita berdoa semoga Allah menyatukan umat Islam keseluruhannya. Amin.
Bila saya kenang kembali, agak rasa terkilan juga. Tetapi apakan daya. "Nobody was any wiser". Mithalnya apabila kami diajar mengenai kadar bayaran zakat untuk emas dan perak, Ustaz akan mengajar kiraan kadarnya tetapi dalam celah-celah itu ia mengatakan bahawa kalau kita tidak hendak kena membayar zakat, maka pakailah barang-barang kemas itu. Bila kita pakai, maka sudah tidak wajib bayar zakat. Semacam begitu mudah, dan semacam Zakat tidak serious. Oleh itu wanita diperingkat umur Allah yarham emak saya, mereka tidak membayar zakat barang kemas kerana semuanya dipakai berganti-ganti. Alangkah ruginya emak saya dan kakak-kakak yang tua dari saya.Seolah-olah mereka diajar untuk mengelak bayar zakat.
Elemen itu sekarang ini pun masih terdapat juga di sana sini walaupun tidak banyak seperti dahulu. Namun dari segi fungsi ekonomi, ramai lagi yang belum faham bagaimana ekonomi Islam terbina berasaskan prinsip zakat. Antara salah satu prinsip ekonomi ialah fakta hol. Kita kena bayar setelah melonggokkan harta kita dalam bentuk apa jua dalam masa setahun. Kita tidak digalakkan menyimpan harta dan tidak membelanjakannya kerana jika berbuat demikian dia mengurangkan modal pusingan untuk pelaboran. Demikian seterusnya. Sebab itu Zakat menjadi rukun dalam aqidah Islam kerana Ekonomi adalah fakta penting. Fakta sosial pun penting juga. Jadi zakat mempunyai serampang dua mata. Indah sungguh Islam.
Jika kita lihat dari gambaran yang besarnya pula, (apabila telah faham) kita akan bergesa-gesa untuk membayar zakat harta, lagi banyak lagi baik kerana ekonomi Islam akan terbina dengan lebih kukuh lagi. Bukan itu sahaja. Kita akan dapat membentuk satu masyarakat yang mampan kerana yang miskin fakir dan asnaf yang lapan itu akan terbela. Jika umat Islam berlumba-lumba untuk membayar zakat, maka akan tercapai hasrat untuk mewujudkan masyarakat Islam yang tidak lagi perlu di beri bantuan. Saya difahamkan di zaman pemeritahan khalifah Umar Abd. Aziz, amat susah mencari asnaf yang lapan itu. MasyaAllah.
Alhamdulilah, sekarang ini kesedaran untuk berlumba-lumba membayar zakat di Malaysia sudah mula menyerlah. Itu maklumat yang kami diberi tahu oleh JAIS/MAIS. Dan jika ini berlaku diseluruh dunia, iaitu kekayan negara Islam pergi ke asnaf yang lapan disamping negara-negara Islam melabor di negara Islam yang lain yang amat perlu pada pelaboran asing, pasti Ekonomi umat Islam akan mampu menyaingi ekonomi kaum Yahudi. Malang nya ini belum berlaku. Ke mana agaknya kekayaan negara -negara Islam yang banyak minyak. Disalurkan ke negara mana agaknya. Kalau kekayaan umat Islam dapat disatukan, dan hati-hati umat Islam juga dapat disatukan, tidak ada lagi peperang seperti hari ini. Tidak akan ada umat Islam yang ditindas dan tidak terbela. Semoga timbul keinsafan semua pihak termasuk diri-diri kita sendiri dan insyAllah kegemilangan Islam akan kembali bertapak. Kita berdoa semoga Allah menyatukan umat Islam keseluruhannya. Amin.
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lantang suara seorang teman seperjuangan yang sangat aktif dalam kegiatan Badan Sukarela bukan kerajaan (NGO) bila memperkatakan mengenai peranan NGO dalam mengangkat martabat masyarakt dalam berbagai bidang. Beliau ialah Dr. Robiah Bt. K. Hamzah yang bercakap dalam satu forum yang di anjurkan oleh JAIS / MAIS pada hari sabtu 24 Okt. di Shah Alam. Beliau adalah Pengerusi, International Muslim Women's Union. Kagum saya mendengar kepintaran, kepetahan dan kebijaksanaan beliau dalam membentangkan isu kelemahan dan kekurangan NGO dalam memainkan peranan masing-masing megikut misi dan visi dan falsafah perjuangan yang telah digariskan dalam Profile organisasi masing-masing. Saya yakin tujuan beliau bukanlah untuk memperkecilkan usaha NGO tetapi untuk merangsang dan mencabar kami agar meningkatkan kesedaran dan sekali gos mempertingkatkan prestasi untuk mempertabatkan NGO terutamanya NGO yang wadah perjuangannya ialah Islam walaupun tidak ada dalam gelaran nama NGO itu yang menunjukan ia adalah pergerakkan Islam secara langsung.
Beliau berkata yang dirumuskan seperti berikut :
- Rugilah NGO kalau ahli-ahlinya bersikap mengambil ringan tugas yang dipegang dan bersikap "kalau sempat saya buat". NGO bukan tempat untuk bekerja sukarela dengan erti seperti di atas tadi, tapi ia adalah satu pertubuhan yang memerlukan komitmen yang total kalau tonggak perjuangan adalah ISLAM. Kalau tugas yang diharapkan oleh JAIS/MAIS adalah DAKWAH, maka ia bukan kerja sukarela.
- Dakwah tidak boleh dibuat secara sukarela. Dakwah adalah wajib bagi semua individu muslim mukmin. Bukan NGO yang berlebel Islam seperti ABIM, Persatuan Pengguna Islam dan lain-lain yang ada nama Islam dalam gelarannya sahaja yang harus memikul tugas dakwah. Dakwah disini bukan konsep yang sempit tetapi ia meliputi semua aspek kehidupan manusia, ummah sejagat. Kalau faktor kemisikinan boleh menjejas dan membabit terputusnya aqidah, maka adalah fardhu ain untuk membenteras kemiskinan. Dan perjuangan nya juga adalah perjuangan "bermati-matian".
- Maka yang demikian, dakwah tidak dihadkan disesuatu tempat khas seperti Masjid dan Surau-surau sahaja. Dakwah tidak ada zone operasi. Setiap jejak adalah dakwah.
- Maka dalam dakwah itu sendiri kita harus menggalakan orang mengambil bahagian aktif dalam NGO atau sekurang-kurangnya menjadi penyokong yang jitu dengan usaha tamabahan. Ramai yang tidak minat masuk dan bergiat dalam NGO kerana usahanya tidak digaji. Maka Dr Robiah kata : Lupakah kita ganjaran Allah (gaji paling mahal dari Allah) yang menenti itu lebih besar berganda-ganda dari gaji. Jangan kita menyempitkan konsep"gaji". Ini adalah tabongan kita untuk akhirat yang pasti. Akaun simpanan di Bank belum tentu itu tabungan untuk akhirat.
- Oleh kerana tidak bergaji, maka kuranglah ahli-ahli NGO yang kerja sepenuh masa itu terdiri dari orang golongan muda. Dalam konteks ini Dr Robiah menyarankan alangkah eloknya kalau pihak kerajaan memberi sokongan kuat pada pergerakkan NGO dengan memberi keistimewan cuti tanpa rekod atau "time off" jika ada pegawai-pegawai yang mahu melibatkan diri dalam NGO dari umur muda lagi untuk membolehkan mereka menghadiri mesyuarat yang terpaksa diadakan dalam waktu pejabat biasa. Langkah ini adalah selaras dengan dasar "perkhidmatan penyayang" kerana pegawai-pegawai itu sudah mula melatih diri dan minda untuk kerja suka rela. Kalau mereka suka dengan kerja sukarela pastinya dipejabat mereka akan bersikap lebih toleransi dan punya 'empathy' dalam keadaan tertentu. Inilah 'value added' yang kita harus yakini ada nanti dikalangan orang-orang seperti ini. Kalau sekarang ini di jabatan-jabatan kerajaan ada Kelab Kebajikan, ada Kelab Sukan dan lain-lain sepertinya, maka apa salahnya di tubuhkan Kelab NGO? Saya yang berpendapat demikian.
- Oleh kerana amat segelintir penglibatan orang-orang muda dalam NGO, maka NGO dikatakan ia adalah Kelab Orang-Orang Pencen. Alangkah malangnya anggapan ini.
- Kalau anggapan masyarakat begitu 'pathetic' terhadap NGO, apa yang harus kita buat. Anggapan seperti ini adalah lahir dari proses dakwah yang rata-rata hanya memberi ilmu tetapi amat kurang yang mengangkat perasaan jiwa. Jika ilmu banyak tetapi jiwa dan Ruh tidak terbina, maka tahap keimanan kita hanya setakat 'kepercayaan' dan belum ketahap 'keyakinan' dan 'penghayatan'. Kita tidak rasa kita dekat dengan Allah. Dr Robiah bertanya secara umum : Ketika mana kita rasa amat dekat dengan Allah. Ramai yang mengatakan : ketika solat, ketika sakit, ketika susah dan lain-lain seperti itu. Jika demikian maka seperti amat sebentar benar kita merasai diri kata dekat dengan Allah. Dalam hal ini kita harus muhasabah diri. Kalau kita tidak rasa rapat, maka komitmen kita pastinya amat longgar. Maka kuranglah daya penggerak untuk berusaha berjuang menegakan kebenaran. Maka harus kita mencari jalan untuk muraqabah dengan Allah.
Secara ringkas itulah sedikit sebanyak yang dapat saya rumuskan. Saya rasa terpanggil untuk memperbahuri tekad saya sendiri dan saya berazam untuk bertemu dengan pihak yang berkenaan di Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam kalau dapat mereka menimbangkan saranan Dr Robiah mengenai cuti tanpa rekod itu.Semoga Allah memberi peluang dan jalan untuk merealisasikan saranan ini untuk kebaikan bersama.
Semoga semua NGO bertapak kuat dan dapat membentuk jemaah memikul objectif yang sama demi Islam.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tiga hari dulu pembantu rumah yang diamanahkan pada ku oleh anak ku untuk di ajar serba sedikit mengenai pengurusan rumah tangga telah lari. Ini perkara dah terlalu biasa berlaku. Aku cuba menenagkan hati anak bila ku beri tahu pngasuh anaknya telah lari dan dia rasa agak kecewa. Tak hairanlah dia kecewa sebab dia baru berumah tangga dan isterinya baru melahirkan anak kedua dan sedang dalam pantang di kampung bersama ibunya.
Bukan sangat soal lari yang aku ingin bicarakan di sini tetapi tentang reaksi kita mengenai peri laku pembantu rumah tangga seperti itu. Rata-rata kita akan mengutuk perilaku seperti itu. Kita akan marah pada agesi yang kita pilih untuk mengendalikan kontrak kerja mereka dan bermacam-macam lagi. Bila kadang-kadang kita bercerita tentang hal ini, hampir semua yang mendengar akan bercerita pula perilaku pembantu masing-masing. Aku sendiri ada berbagai pengalaman hingga tak terdaya hendak bercerita tentangnya lagi.
Aku sendiri mengajak diri ku untuk bertanya mengapa kita sangat upset, marah dan geram jika pembantu lari atau berbuat sesuatu yang tidak boleh di maafkan, terutamanya dari segi soal-aoal amanah dan kerajinan kerja, soal keselamatan anak-anak dan soal- soal yang mencurigai dari segi hal-hal moral dan sebagainya.
Setelah beberapa tahun bepegalaman dengan perihal karenah pembantu, aku tanya pula diri ku sendiri : "Kita ni marah sangat bila orang melawan kita, menimbulkan masaalah pada kita, tidak amanah pada kita dan lain-lain lagi. Tetapi pernahkah kita terfikir bagaimana Allah melihat kita dalam hal ini. Untuk jelas lagi, mari kita tanya apa agaknya pemerhatian Allah terhadap kita sebab kita tidak terkecuali dari berbuat kesalahan seperti itu terhadap Pencipta kita. Sudahkah kita tanya diri sendiri tentang perihal kelakuan kita sendiri yang Allah pasti kurang senang dengan kita. Contohnya, kita suka melewat-lewatkan solat, yaini kita tidak solat tepat pada waktu. Kita cerita pasal orang lain yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai mengumpat, kita tidak menutup aurat dengan sempurna, kita lalai dan membuang masa dengan program seperti Jom Heboh, sehati berdansa, kita tidak menuntut ilmu untuk benar-benar memahami Islam, di pejabat kita merangka dasar dan program yang bercanggah dengan prinsip-prinsip Islam dan bermacam-macam lagi. Apa agaknya Allah kata tentang diri kita? Kita pandai marah pada pembantu dan pengasuh, atau pada subordinates kita di pejabat, tapi kita bagaimana? Sudahkah kita benar-benar berazam untuk membuat semua yang Allah suruh dan tinggal semua yang Allah larang? Saya sendiri masih banyak kurangnya. Jadi sekarang saya tak mahu marah sangat dengan pembantu yang lari. Sebenarnya mereka itu dalam masaalah. Mereka perlau bantuan. Tetapi kita selalu mengaggap itu bukan tugas kita.
Mungkin ada yang mengatakan hujah ku ini tidak relevan langsung. Tak apa jika berpendapat begitu sebab minda kita memang selalu mahu mempertahan diri sendiri. Jika ada masaalah pasti orang lain yang salah atau sebagainya. Ada yang berpendapat manakan patut kita nak tolong orang lain sebab masaalah kita sendiri pun tidak selesai. Tak apalah jika aku ini dianggap tidak relevan. Cuma tujuan ku hanya mahu mencadangkan untuk menggunakan peristiwa "LARI" ini sebagai landasan membuka fikiran untuk melihat diri kita ke dalam. Lihat diri kita dari kaca mata Pencipta kita. Sebab pembantu itu pun Allah yang cipta. Kita harus bertindak dibawah prinsip-prinsip yang sama.
Kesimpulan nya, aku hanya ingin mengajak semua untuk muhasabah diri bila sesuatu yang tak kena berlaku pada diri kita. Semua masaalah kadang kala dia kait mengait. Kalau pembantu lari, jangan marah sangat. Tetapi cuba rasa insaf betapa kita sebenarnya tidak dapat menguasai kesemuanya walau pun kita berharta dan punya wang ringgit yang mencukupi. Kita rasa kita pandai dan bijak tetapi tidak juga dapat "menguasi" pembantu kita. Mungkita kita kurang berdoa dan berserah diri pada Allah setelah berikhtiar. Munkin kita rasa soal pembantu ni kecil sangat untuk mohon doa dengan Allah untuk memudahkan urusan kita. Aku tidak pasti apa yang ada pada minda sesaorang. Cuma aku pasti bahawa setiap kita tidak sempurna.Kita perlu pertolongan Allah walau hal itu sekecil zahrah sekalipun.
Sama-sama kita fikir dan doa Allah memberi pertolonan dan kurnia RahmatNya yang tidak terhingga.
Bukan sangat soal lari yang aku ingin bicarakan di sini tetapi tentang reaksi kita mengenai peri laku pembantu rumah tangga seperti itu. Rata-rata kita akan mengutuk perilaku seperti itu. Kita akan marah pada agesi yang kita pilih untuk mengendalikan kontrak kerja mereka dan bermacam-macam lagi. Bila kadang-kadang kita bercerita tentang hal ini, hampir semua yang mendengar akan bercerita pula perilaku pembantu masing-masing. Aku sendiri ada berbagai pengalaman hingga tak terdaya hendak bercerita tentangnya lagi.
Aku sendiri mengajak diri ku untuk bertanya mengapa kita sangat upset, marah dan geram jika pembantu lari atau berbuat sesuatu yang tidak boleh di maafkan, terutamanya dari segi soal-aoal amanah dan kerajinan kerja, soal keselamatan anak-anak dan soal- soal yang mencurigai dari segi hal-hal moral dan sebagainya.
Setelah beberapa tahun bepegalaman dengan perihal karenah pembantu, aku tanya pula diri ku sendiri : "Kita ni marah sangat bila orang melawan kita, menimbulkan masaalah pada kita, tidak amanah pada kita dan lain-lain lagi. Tetapi pernahkah kita terfikir bagaimana Allah melihat kita dalam hal ini. Untuk jelas lagi, mari kita tanya apa agaknya pemerhatian Allah terhadap kita sebab kita tidak terkecuali dari berbuat kesalahan seperti itu terhadap Pencipta kita. Sudahkah kita tanya diri sendiri tentang perihal kelakuan kita sendiri yang Allah pasti kurang senang dengan kita. Contohnya, kita suka melewat-lewatkan solat, yaini kita tidak solat tepat pada waktu. Kita cerita pasal orang lain yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai mengumpat, kita tidak menutup aurat dengan sempurna, kita lalai dan membuang masa dengan program seperti Jom Heboh, sehati berdansa, kita tidak menuntut ilmu untuk benar-benar memahami Islam, di pejabat kita merangka dasar dan program yang bercanggah dengan prinsip-prinsip Islam dan bermacam-macam lagi. Apa agaknya Allah kata tentang diri kita? Kita pandai marah pada pembantu dan pengasuh, atau pada subordinates kita di pejabat, tapi kita bagaimana? Sudahkah kita benar-benar berazam untuk membuat semua yang Allah suruh dan tinggal semua yang Allah larang? Saya sendiri masih banyak kurangnya. Jadi sekarang saya tak mahu marah sangat dengan pembantu yang lari. Sebenarnya mereka itu dalam masaalah. Mereka perlau bantuan. Tetapi kita selalu mengaggap itu bukan tugas kita.
Mungkin ada yang mengatakan hujah ku ini tidak relevan langsung. Tak apa jika berpendapat begitu sebab minda kita memang selalu mahu mempertahan diri sendiri. Jika ada masaalah pasti orang lain yang salah atau sebagainya. Ada yang berpendapat manakan patut kita nak tolong orang lain sebab masaalah kita sendiri pun tidak selesai. Tak apalah jika aku ini dianggap tidak relevan. Cuma tujuan ku hanya mahu mencadangkan untuk menggunakan peristiwa "LARI" ini sebagai landasan membuka fikiran untuk melihat diri kita ke dalam. Lihat diri kita dari kaca mata Pencipta kita. Sebab pembantu itu pun Allah yang cipta. Kita harus bertindak dibawah prinsip-prinsip yang sama.
Kesimpulan nya, aku hanya ingin mengajak semua untuk muhasabah diri bila sesuatu yang tak kena berlaku pada diri kita. Semua masaalah kadang kala dia kait mengait. Kalau pembantu lari, jangan marah sangat. Tetapi cuba rasa insaf betapa kita sebenarnya tidak dapat menguasai kesemuanya walau pun kita berharta dan punya wang ringgit yang mencukupi. Kita rasa kita pandai dan bijak tetapi tidak juga dapat "menguasi" pembantu kita. Mungkita kita kurang berdoa dan berserah diri pada Allah setelah berikhtiar. Munkin kita rasa soal pembantu ni kecil sangat untuk mohon doa dengan Allah untuk memudahkan urusan kita. Aku tidak pasti apa yang ada pada minda sesaorang. Cuma aku pasti bahawa setiap kita tidak sempurna.Kita perlu pertolongan Allah walau hal itu sekecil zahrah sekalipun.
Sama-sama kita fikir dan doa Allah memberi pertolonan dan kurnia RahmatNya yang tidak terhingga.
Last night ( Ooops, last Sunday night) was the last family gathering for the month of Syawal. In Malaysia we celebrate Eid Mubarak until the last day of the month. I believe no other country in the world does the same.
It was quite a gathering. I could tell by the sound of laughter (of adults and children) in the garden by the pool of my sister in law's house. I was rather tired and was almost stuck to my seat inside the house with only a few of the other members of the family. It was only because I was tired as I was also entertaining two distant cousins and their families the afternoon before. But to be honest, I was also busy in my mind thinking about a point I made to my dear hubby of how best we can, if we have the money and other resources, spend them on others who are seriously in need.
Giving to others in charity is strongly encouraged in Islam. The Quran says :
" 133) Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the Heavens and of the Earth, prepared for the righteous, ___
134) Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;__ For Allah loves those who do good;__"
Chapter 3, verse 133 and 134.
This subject came up for discussion between my hubby and I just the day before, and since we could not completely agree on the issue, the subject remains in my mind. My husband has no qualms at all about giving to charity as much as possible. We only could not totally agree on the meaning of "as much as possible". I said that "as much as possible" means that we have to give away our last dollar if someone else more deserving needs that dollar. And if we did that, that deserving person would feel grateful, a feeling which we can only imagine by way of his words and his body language.
This subject reminds me of my childhood days. As I said before, my parents came to Malaysia as immigrants. We could ill afford the luxuries of life. And I could still remember how excited I felt when a "rich person" from the village gave me a ride in his car to town together with my dear mother. I was in my primary school then, and every day as I walked to school for a distance of about a mile, I would turn my head as a car passed me, wishing in my heart that someone would give me a ride. I worked hard through school and now own a car. I could still remember those days living in poverty, and by today's standard, extreme poverty. Alhamdulilah, the memory made me a person who can easily empathize with other people. May Allah continue to bless me with resources that I can share with others.
Having said that I would like to share with visitors to my blog of something I learned many years ago while at work about what matters as a result of what we do or don't do. In a video clip shown to us in a leadership training session we were shown a picture of this young guy who was walking along a quiet beach and was throwing back star fish that were stranded on the beach back into the sea. The number of star fish was countless and this guy was throwing them one by one. Of course it would take ages to throw them all into the sea.Coincidentally, an old man was following him from behind and seeing this young guy's effort as not being worth the trouble, he said something like: "It is useless for you to do that and it doesn't matter because you can never finish throwing all of them with your bare hands." The young guy answered, "never mind, at least it matters to that one." He threw one into the sea and he continued doing what he was doing. Since then I always remember that even if it is one in a million that benefit from your kindness, it is still worth the trouble, no matter what others say. Because that ONE person could be you yourself and it may be just a simple car ride, but that joy is remembered for many years in your life.
Like wise, just think if we have millions and millions to spare.Maybe we should not be thinking of how many people whom we have helped, but think of what it could do to that one last person who can benefit from our last dollar, so to say. Its like the Marginal Theory of Utility in economics. I remember one economics professor who was speaking in one Dakwah session one day and he said that he would always persuade his wife to get up with him at night to do the late night prayer (Tahajjud). He reasoned to his wife that one last prayer that night may be the determinant factor that Allah would consider whether our place is in Heaven or in Hell. Surely we would get up because the simple act of just waking up from sleep and do the prayer maybe for half an hour, but the result could be the entry to Heaven. Won't we regret if we hadn't done that simple act.
This is just a point to ponder seriously. Therefore I would imagine that if I have millions to spare, I would only buy a reasonably good designer car and not the best car in the world because that savings that we would make by so doing could be spend on those in real need. Even if it is just one person, IT MATTERS.
It was quite a gathering. I could tell by the sound of laughter (of adults and children) in the garden by the pool of my sister in law's house. I was rather tired and was almost stuck to my seat inside the house with only a few of the other members of the family. It was only because I was tired as I was also entertaining two distant cousins and their families the afternoon before. But to be honest, I was also busy in my mind thinking about a point I made to my dear hubby of how best we can, if we have the money and other resources, spend them on others who are seriously in need.
Giving to others in charity is strongly encouraged in Islam. The Quran says :
" 133) Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the Heavens and of the Earth, prepared for the righteous, ___
134) Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;__ For Allah loves those who do good;__"
Chapter 3, verse 133 and 134.
This subject came up for discussion between my hubby and I just the day before, and since we could not completely agree on the issue, the subject remains in my mind. My husband has no qualms at all about giving to charity as much as possible. We only could not totally agree on the meaning of "as much as possible". I said that "as much as possible" means that we have to give away our last dollar if someone else more deserving needs that dollar. And if we did that, that deserving person would feel grateful, a feeling which we can only imagine by way of his words and his body language.
This subject reminds me of my childhood days. As I said before, my parents came to Malaysia as immigrants. We could ill afford the luxuries of life. And I could still remember how excited I felt when a "rich person" from the village gave me a ride in his car to town together with my dear mother. I was in my primary school then, and every day as I walked to school for a distance of about a mile, I would turn my head as a car passed me, wishing in my heart that someone would give me a ride. I worked hard through school and now own a car. I could still remember those days living in poverty, and by today's standard, extreme poverty. Alhamdulilah, the memory made me a person who can easily empathize with other people. May Allah continue to bless me with resources that I can share with others.
Having said that I would like to share with visitors to my blog of something I learned many years ago while at work about what matters as a result of what we do or don't do. In a video clip shown to us in a leadership training session we were shown a picture of this young guy who was walking along a quiet beach and was throwing back star fish that were stranded on the beach back into the sea. The number of star fish was countless and this guy was throwing them one by one. Of course it would take ages to throw them all into the sea.Coincidentally, an old man was following him from behind and seeing this young guy's effort as not being worth the trouble, he said something like: "It is useless for you to do that and it doesn't matter because you can never finish throwing all of them with your bare hands." The young guy answered, "never mind, at least it matters to that one." He threw one into the sea and he continued doing what he was doing. Since then I always remember that even if it is one in a million that benefit from your kindness, it is still worth the trouble, no matter what others say. Because that ONE person could be you yourself and it may be just a simple car ride, but that joy is remembered for many years in your life.
Like wise, just think if we have millions and millions to spare.Maybe we should not be thinking of how many people whom we have helped, but think of what it could do to that one last person who can benefit from our last dollar, so to say. Its like the Marginal Theory of Utility in economics. I remember one economics professor who was speaking in one Dakwah session one day and he said that he would always persuade his wife to get up with him at night to do the late night prayer (Tahajjud). He reasoned to his wife that one last prayer that night may be the determinant factor that Allah would consider whether our place is in Heaven or in Hell. Surely we would get up because the simple act of just waking up from sleep and do the prayer maybe for half an hour, but the result could be the entry to Heaven. Won't we regret if we hadn't done that simple act.
This is just a point to ponder seriously. Therefore I would imagine that if I have millions to spare, I would only buy a reasonably good designer car and not the best car in the world because that savings that we would make by so doing could be spend on those in real need. Even if it is just one person, IT MATTERS.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Love is only one telephone call away. So goes the saying. It may be inconvenient at a point in time, but love is not a matter of convenience. Neither is the sense of caring. It is not a matter of convenience too. For an example, it is never convenient to loose sleep just to get up at that ghostly hour to drive to someone's place you care just to make sure that their front gate is closed and locked. It is never convenient to pull yourself out of bed on a Sunday morning just to go to a sundry shop to buy paracetamol like Panadol and giving it to a friend some distance away because she lives alone and has a terrible headache. It is never convenient to walk for some distance to your workplace every day for long periods just to save money so you can buy your son or daughter something different for a special occasion.
The list can go on and on and the inconvenience can be much heightened, steeper and harder. But surely you will put inconvenience aside to make someone feel special, feel wanted, feel appreciated and feel above all that he or she is not alone in this world. And even if he or she is alone they will not feel lonely if they know someone, somewhere, cares for them, especially at that time in need. Never ever take anything for granted if sincere love is an important element and component in your life and the life of others, family or otherwise.
I remember one story about my late father as told by my late mother as I grew up into adolescence. This was more than fifty years ago. Being an immigrant, every day is a painful struggle to survive. One day my father walked for 5 miles and maybe more carrying a bunch of bananas on his shoulders just to bring home something for the family. This story and other instances, has taught me what it means to love and be loved, and what hard work is and what sacrifices mean. Today, in this rat- race world, many people have become self centered and treat life as survival of the fittest. Many has lost touch of the fine gestures in a relationships, be it between friends, between families, between the young and the old or between bosses and subordinates in a work place. But my Sifu often said that in a rat-race, only the rats finally win. And, "are we rats?" he asked.
In Dakwah we often refer to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the best example of a human being, in love, morality and otherwise. He is a portrait of perfection and we are encouraged and asked to emulate him. There are moments in our lives when we fall short of this expectation. And I do remind myself that nobody is perfect. Let us all together work towards perfection in every ambit of our lives. And let us put Love as a Center Piece in this endeavor. This is what "Mawaddah" is all about. May Allah show us the right path always.
The list can go on and on and the inconvenience can be much heightened, steeper and harder. But surely you will put inconvenience aside to make someone feel special, feel wanted, feel appreciated and feel above all that he or she is not alone in this world. And even if he or she is alone they will not feel lonely if they know someone, somewhere, cares for them, especially at that time in need. Never ever take anything for granted if sincere love is an important element and component in your life and the life of others, family or otherwise.
I remember one story about my late father as told by my late mother as I grew up into adolescence. This was more than fifty years ago. Being an immigrant, every day is a painful struggle to survive. One day my father walked for 5 miles and maybe more carrying a bunch of bananas on his shoulders just to bring home something for the family. This story and other instances, has taught me what it means to love and be loved, and what hard work is and what sacrifices mean. Today, in this rat- race world, many people have become self centered and treat life as survival of the fittest. Many has lost touch of the fine gestures in a relationships, be it between friends, between families, between the young and the old or between bosses and subordinates in a work place. But my Sifu often said that in a rat-race, only the rats finally win. And, "are we rats?" he asked.
In Dakwah we often refer to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the best example of a human being, in love, morality and otherwise. He is a portrait of perfection and we are encouraged and asked to emulate him. There are moments in our lives when we fall short of this expectation. And I do remind myself that nobody is perfect. Let us all together work towards perfection in every ambit of our lives. And let us put Love as a Center Piece in this endeavor. This is what "Mawaddah" is all about. May Allah show us the right path always.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"Why are you looking so drab this morning? " I asked my youngest son over a late breakfast about two days ago. He gave me a dry smile. "Come on, Allah tak buat dunia kita ini sempit. Jangan kita yang menyempit-nyempitkan." I told him, trying to cheer him up. I said that there are many things in life to be thankful for and that we should not feel so let down at the slightest thing that happened to us that we are not happy about.
My youngest son is not so young, really. He is into his 28th birthday.But like most mothers, he is as young to me as can be. He graduated from Al Mu'tah University, Jordan at 26. He has his own way of "looking at life" and ventured as he liked before finally taking my advice to finish college first before anything else. He "wasted" a year coming home to "escape" the Gulf War and the War in Iraq.It was some experience for him to be lifted by the Malaysian Air Force from Amman back to Kuala Lumpur stopping only in Madras to ease himself and so did everyone else because the aircraft has no rest room facilities. He stayed a year or so in Sudan to polish his Arabic language and along the way he gained some and lost some, as the saying goes.I went to visit him in Khartoum in 2002 and I could understand why he told me a year in Sudan was enough for him. Sudan was like 25 years behind us in terms of development and of course he missed a lot of things especially soccer. I persuaded him to stay on and learn to be hardy like most of the Indonesian students, but it was an attempt in vain.
He is a little better in Arabic than he is in English and I can see that as a beginner into this world of work in Malaysia he is at a disadvantage. But jokingly I told him that it is the style of speaking rather than the grammar that matters in communicating in English. I can see that he is trying hard. He is now helping the big brother who is into Animation in the multimedia industry. The brother made him one of the directors and his income depends on the performance of the company. He is in charge of general management rather than the technicality of animation itself.
The biggest challenge as a beginner is convincing himself that being self employed is better than working for people or an organization. His friends are mostly with the federal or state government earning a stable income, though relatively low compared to some others in the private sector or those who are making it good on their own. He sees that as being more secured and more predictable and he so can have more time "socializing" and picking up other new interests in life. I was a little disappointed to here his views on that. This is where I started giving him "a lecture" on Life's Challenges. I reminded him that our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was involved in business together with Khadijah, his beloved wife, even before he was 25. Before that he was into farming and his animal farm was very successful. There is no entrepreneurial venture that is easy, so said the Hadith and that is why about 90% of wealth accumulated comes from business ventures.(please refer exact text else where.) There are many challenges and the feeling of insecurity, which is more apparent than real, is one hurdle one has to overcome in order to move forward successfully.I told him about the saying: "When the going gets tough, only the tough gets going."
Being tough is being resilient and relentlessly pursuing what you believe to be the right thing to do and to do it well. If you fall, you will pick yourself up, pick up the pieces and move on without feeling having to turn back. A tough person should be "thick skinned" when criticized. Do not feel that you have to immediately defend yourself when criticized. Listen well first before coming forward to defend and give alternative ideas. If you are quick at defending yourself, it means that you are not confident at what you are doing and in the long run you may loose out because you are closed to new ideas.
And the most important thing to do is to have a strong conviction that Allah will help you if you seek His help. The thing to do is: "ZIKIR, FIKIR, IKHTIAR.", a motto based on the Islamic Tauhidic paradigm which I personally picked up from a modern Pasentren in Bandung, Indonesia, which I thought summarizes well my understanding of how to go about institutionalizing a good decision making process. This Pasentren trains individuals and groups to be good entrepreneurs, technocrats, and other professionals so they would be successful here and the hereafter. The 'fikir and ikhtiar' part, I told my son, can be sourced from books and literature by successful businessmen around the world, old and contemporary. Learn "the trick of the trade", adopt and adept accordingly so you do not have to 'reinvent the wheel'. That would save a lot of time and energy. As an example you may want to read about Onassis, Bill Gates, the Kuok Brothers and many more. But do not forget to read about A. Rahman Ouff.
"This is just the first part of the challenges you have to face as a beginner, " I told my son. "We will continue at other session. May be you should reorganize your schedule for the day so you can be back early and therefore you can get up early and not sleep again after the Subuh prayer. Too much sleep and sleeping after subuh is very unIslamic. The alQuran says;
"and when the prayer is finished, then may ye dispersed through the land, and seek of the bounty of Allah: and celebrate the praises of Allah often (and without stint); that ye may prosper." Chapter 62, verse 10. Also take note of verse 11, "But when they see some bargain or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it. Say: 'The (blessings) from the Presence of Allah is better than any amusement or bargain! And Allah is the Best to provide (for all needs)."
We ended the "morning session" on a smiling note. May Allah guide us all the way just as we say at least 5 times a day at the beginning of our daily prayer: " Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the Straight way." Chapter 1, verse 5 and 6.
My youngest son is not so young, really. He is into his 28th birthday.But like most mothers, he is as young to me as can be. He graduated from Al Mu'tah University, Jordan at 26. He has his own way of "looking at life" and ventured as he liked before finally taking my advice to finish college first before anything else. He "wasted" a year coming home to "escape" the Gulf War and the War in Iraq.It was some experience for him to be lifted by the Malaysian Air Force from Amman back to Kuala Lumpur stopping only in Madras to ease himself and so did everyone else because the aircraft has no rest room facilities. He stayed a year or so in Sudan to polish his Arabic language and along the way he gained some and lost some, as the saying goes.I went to visit him in Khartoum in 2002 and I could understand why he told me a year in Sudan was enough for him. Sudan was like 25 years behind us in terms of development and of course he missed a lot of things especially soccer. I persuaded him to stay on and learn to be hardy like most of the Indonesian students, but it was an attempt in vain.
He is a little better in Arabic than he is in English and I can see that as a beginner into this world of work in Malaysia he is at a disadvantage. But jokingly I told him that it is the style of speaking rather than the grammar that matters in communicating in English. I can see that he is trying hard. He is now helping the big brother who is into Animation in the multimedia industry. The brother made him one of the directors and his income depends on the performance of the company. He is in charge of general management rather than the technicality of animation itself.
The biggest challenge as a beginner is convincing himself that being self employed is better than working for people or an organization. His friends are mostly with the federal or state government earning a stable income, though relatively low compared to some others in the private sector or those who are making it good on their own. He sees that as being more secured and more predictable and he so can have more time "socializing" and picking up other new interests in life. I was a little disappointed to here his views on that. This is where I started giving him "a lecture" on Life's Challenges. I reminded him that our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was involved in business together with Khadijah, his beloved wife, even before he was 25. Before that he was into farming and his animal farm was very successful. There is no entrepreneurial venture that is easy, so said the Hadith and that is why about 90% of wealth accumulated comes from business ventures.(please refer exact text else where.) There are many challenges and the feeling of insecurity, which is more apparent than real, is one hurdle one has to overcome in order to move forward successfully.I told him about the saying: "When the going gets tough, only the tough gets going."
Being tough is being resilient and relentlessly pursuing what you believe to be the right thing to do and to do it well. If you fall, you will pick yourself up, pick up the pieces and move on without feeling having to turn back. A tough person should be "thick skinned" when criticized. Do not feel that you have to immediately defend yourself when criticized. Listen well first before coming forward to defend and give alternative ideas. If you are quick at defending yourself, it means that you are not confident at what you are doing and in the long run you may loose out because you are closed to new ideas.
And the most important thing to do is to have a strong conviction that Allah will help you if you seek His help. The thing to do is: "ZIKIR, FIKIR, IKHTIAR.", a motto based on the Islamic Tauhidic paradigm which I personally picked up from a modern Pasentren in Bandung, Indonesia, which I thought summarizes well my understanding of how to go about institutionalizing a good decision making process. This Pasentren trains individuals and groups to be good entrepreneurs, technocrats, and other professionals so they would be successful here and the hereafter. The 'fikir and ikhtiar' part, I told my son, can be sourced from books and literature by successful businessmen around the world, old and contemporary. Learn "the trick of the trade", adopt and adept accordingly so you do not have to 'reinvent the wheel'. That would save a lot of time and energy. As an example you may want to read about Onassis, Bill Gates, the Kuok Brothers and many more. But do not forget to read about A. Rahman Ouff.
"This is just the first part of the challenges you have to face as a beginner, " I told my son. "We will continue at other session. May be you should reorganize your schedule for the day so you can be back early and therefore you can get up early and not sleep again after the Subuh prayer. Too much sleep and sleeping after subuh is very unIslamic. The alQuran says;
"and when the prayer is finished, then may ye dispersed through the land, and seek of the bounty of Allah: and celebrate the praises of Allah often (and without stint); that ye may prosper." Chapter 62, verse 10. Also take note of verse 11, "But when they see some bargain or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it. Say: 'The (blessings) from the Presence of Allah is better than any amusement or bargain! And Allah is the Best to provide (for all needs)."
We ended the "morning session" on a smiling note. May Allah guide us all the way just as we say at least 5 times a day at the beginning of our daily prayer: " Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the Straight way." Chapter 1, verse 5 and 6.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This early morning I had to miss my Tai Chi session because of the rain. But I was rather glad, though, because I could turn on the T.V on Aljazeera. "I KNEW THE SHAH" was on and I was watching attentively because I never knew the Shah, really. At the end of the program, before he died he told his biographer not to forget to write that he loved Iran very much but that he had loved badly.
This suddenly made me wonder and think a bit more about the character man in general. He may not be a King, he may not be a President and he may not be a Prime Minister, but men are men. In Islam the man is a leader in his own family. He is like the General in the army, almost. And he may be greater. It is how we define or choose to redefine man in the present context. As for me, I would define a man as the alQuran define a man.
In Islam a man is different from a woman. But before the eyes of God alMighty, they are different but they are equal. Man and woman has different functions and responsibilities but men and women are created to supplement and complement each other.They need each other and no man or woman is an Island by itself. Islam has lifted the status of women and therefore men must adhere to what Allah has ordained upon them faithfully.
I think no body would argue and contest the statements I made above unless we speak from a different ideology. What I would put forward today in my blog is just about the way men love their women. It is not far wrong to say that it is the same as the way leaders of the world "love" their country. Some love their country very much and very well, but some love their country very much but love very badly, just like what was admitted by the late Shah of Iran. There are countries that prosper and the people "live happily ever after". The difference between countries that prosper and those that don't varies according to the 'intensity and sincerity' of the love of their leaders towards the people they govern.
So is the case in a family. Social decadence from time immemorial has always attributed the cause of it to bad governance, from the state to the family level. A Chinese proverb says: " The fish rots starting from the head". Of course if we look into its micro status, there are families that do well, and there families that do not do so well. In fact what is worrying is the fact that many families are falling apart because of poor relationship between husband and wife which lead to poor parenting on their children and perhaps later to their grand children. There are various reasons for this. It may be because of inadequate family finances, pursuit of exceptional career achievements, extended family pressure, professional jealousy, sexual incompatibility and related problems and perhaps many more. Many have resorted to different ways of solving the problems but there are also many that would "just give up" and just go with the flow.
Lately I have been talking to a dear friend who used to be my room mate in our younger days about men for some reasons or other And little did I realize until much later that she was actually just divorced and now she is living with her two daughters who are in their early twenties. I almost "dropped dead" when I knew that because I know her as an angel. How time has changed people.To cut a long winded story short, I concluded that she finally divorced because of sexual incompatibility of some sort. The husband has remarried but the daughters are very disappointed with the situation.
In Islam a man "is allowed" to marry more than one to a maximum of four. This has always become a point of "dissent" between a man and woman, between husbands and wives, between families, and between extended families. There are different interpretations to what is said in the alQuran and in the hadiths. Nobody deny the fact that polygamous marriage is allowed but the point of contention and argument is about the conditions within which this is allowed. Personally I will not argue much on this as I told my friend because a man and a woman, or a husband and a wife will never ever come to an agreement. In most cases a wife would finally "consent" because she may not have a choice. Or perhaps she has a choice but will not risk giving reasons to Allah alMighty in Hereafter that turnout to be unacceptable. So she will just live"cordially" and pretend in public that everything is alright. And I believe strongly that no husband will look at the wife in public or else where how her body language is communicating something else. Her suffering would be drowned in her secret tears. As the years go by she may develop depression and other related complications. But a husband would just conveniently assume that everything is alright.
Husbands would usually give their reasons to polygamy as the next best thing to do following the steps of Prophet Muhammad (saw). The hadiths say that the Prophet (saw) loves , women, perfumery and prayer, (please refer exact text elsewhere). In many cases little do they realize that hadiths cannot be read in isolation. And even after synthesizing all that is said in the alQuran and in the hadiths I strongly believe that a husband must look at the wife in the eyes and honestly ask his very soul whether the decision for polygamy is the best solution to whatever sexual problem that he may have. There is another hadith that many men have overlooked or perhaps would rather choose to ignore is the fact that a man should do their fast to control their sexual and other desire if he cannot afford and is not able to go into a polygamous marriage.
This is a sensitive subject and cannot be satisfactorily discussed in one session in a blog of this nature. My original point was just to say that if an Empire could crumble down because the ruler loves the people dearly but has done so in a manner so badly, I believe that in a polygamous marriage similar thing may happen and regrets can never ever bring back the beautiful old days again. Children's love may slowly wither away (Allah forbids) and there was a case I know that a man who had three wives but was left alone on his final days. Most women would say a home is where the heart is. And in a loving manner sometimes I said to my husband to treasure our home, and do not break a home to live in separate houses that cannot be termed a home for whatever reasons. As my other dear friend said: no problem can be greater than Allah Himself. Hold steadfast to Iman and Taqwa and Allah will be with us always.
This blog is dedicated to my former room mate, a dear friend for nearly 40 years. May Allah show us the right way in marriage, forgive our overzealous attempt to "put things in the right perspective" and may Allah shower us with His wisdom and love and affection and make us feel that when this happens nothing else matters. May Allah shower us with his blessings and forgiveness here and hereafter.Amin.
This suddenly made me wonder and think a bit more about the character man in general. He may not be a King, he may not be a President and he may not be a Prime Minister, but men are men. In Islam the man is a leader in his own family. He is like the General in the army, almost. And he may be greater. It is how we define or choose to redefine man in the present context. As for me, I would define a man as the alQuran define a man.
In Islam a man is different from a woman. But before the eyes of God alMighty, they are different but they are equal. Man and woman has different functions and responsibilities but men and women are created to supplement and complement each other.They need each other and no man or woman is an Island by itself. Islam has lifted the status of women and therefore men must adhere to what Allah has ordained upon them faithfully.
I think no body would argue and contest the statements I made above unless we speak from a different ideology. What I would put forward today in my blog is just about the way men love their women. It is not far wrong to say that it is the same as the way leaders of the world "love" their country. Some love their country very much and very well, but some love their country very much but love very badly, just like what was admitted by the late Shah of Iran. There are countries that prosper and the people "live happily ever after". The difference between countries that prosper and those that don't varies according to the 'intensity and sincerity' of the love of their leaders towards the people they govern.
So is the case in a family. Social decadence from time immemorial has always attributed the cause of it to bad governance, from the state to the family level. A Chinese proverb says: " The fish rots starting from the head". Of course if we look into its micro status, there are families that do well, and there families that do not do so well. In fact what is worrying is the fact that many families are falling apart because of poor relationship between husband and wife which lead to poor parenting on their children and perhaps later to their grand children. There are various reasons for this. It may be because of inadequate family finances, pursuit of exceptional career achievements, extended family pressure, professional jealousy, sexual incompatibility and related problems and perhaps many more. Many have resorted to different ways of solving the problems but there are also many that would "just give up" and just go with the flow.
Lately I have been talking to a dear friend who used to be my room mate in our younger days about men for some reasons or other And little did I realize until much later that she was actually just divorced and now she is living with her two daughters who are in their early twenties. I almost "dropped dead" when I knew that because I know her as an angel. How time has changed people.To cut a long winded story short, I concluded that she finally divorced because of sexual incompatibility of some sort. The husband has remarried but the daughters are very disappointed with the situation.
In Islam a man "is allowed" to marry more than one to a maximum of four. This has always become a point of "dissent" between a man and woman, between husbands and wives, between families, and between extended families. There are different interpretations to what is said in the alQuran and in the hadiths. Nobody deny the fact that polygamous marriage is allowed but the point of contention and argument is about the conditions within which this is allowed. Personally I will not argue much on this as I told my friend because a man and a woman, or a husband and a wife will never ever come to an agreement. In most cases a wife would finally "consent" because she may not have a choice. Or perhaps she has a choice but will not risk giving reasons to Allah alMighty in Hereafter that turnout to be unacceptable. So she will just live"cordially" and pretend in public that everything is alright. And I believe strongly that no husband will look at the wife in public or else where how her body language is communicating something else. Her suffering would be drowned in her secret tears. As the years go by she may develop depression and other related complications. But a husband would just conveniently assume that everything is alright.
Husbands would usually give their reasons to polygamy as the next best thing to do following the steps of Prophet Muhammad (saw). The hadiths say that the Prophet (saw) loves , women, perfumery and prayer, (please refer exact text elsewhere). In many cases little do they realize that hadiths cannot be read in isolation. And even after synthesizing all that is said in the alQuran and in the hadiths I strongly believe that a husband must look at the wife in the eyes and honestly ask his very soul whether the decision for polygamy is the best solution to whatever sexual problem that he may have. There is another hadith that many men have overlooked or perhaps would rather choose to ignore is the fact that a man should do their fast to control their sexual and other desire if he cannot afford and is not able to go into a polygamous marriage.
This is a sensitive subject and cannot be satisfactorily discussed in one session in a blog of this nature. My original point was just to say that if an Empire could crumble down because the ruler loves the people dearly but has done so in a manner so badly, I believe that in a polygamous marriage similar thing may happen and regrets can never ever bring back the beautiful old days again. Children's love may slowly wither away (Allah forbids) and there was a case I know that a man who had three wives but was left alone on his final days. Most women would say a home is where the heart is. And in a loving manner sometimes I said to my husband to treasure our home, and do not break a home to live in separate houses that cannot be termed a home for whatever reasons. As my other dear friend said: no problem can be greater than Allah Himself. Hold steadfast to Iman and Taqwa and Allah will be with us always.
This blog is dedicated to my former room mate, a dear friend for nearly 40 years. May Allah show us the right way in marriage, forgive our overzealous attempt to "put things in the right perspective" and may Allah shower us with His wisdom and love and affection and make us feel that when this happens nothing else matters. May Allah shower us with his blessings and forgiveness here and hereafter.Amin.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sudah lama saya berfikir di mana kelemahan orang Islam seperti saya ini. Malam ini dalam satu majlis ilmu saya semacam mendapat jawapannya.Saya juga berfikir-fikir apa kelemahan orang Islam di negara-negara lain. Saya berfikir serentak kerana kelemahan dan kekuatan adalah "two faces of the same coin" dan sama ada kita di Malaysia atau di negara lain sedikit sebanyak dia ada mempengaruhi kelemahan yang ada pada diri saya. Bukan tujuan untuk mencari salah orang, tetapi oleh kerana kita tidak hidup dalam "vaccum" maka pastinya kita akan tersentuh atau terjebak dengan apa yang berlaku di sekeliling kita sama ada dari jauh atau dekat. Dan dalam dunia tanpa sempadan kini, lebihlah kebarangkalian kita dipengaruhi oleh apa jua yang berlaku tidak kira dari mana asalnya.
Saya selalu diperingatkan bahawa Islam itu satu agama yang syumul, agama yang sempurna dari semua aspek, Iaitu dari aspek Uluhiah dan Rubbubiah, sosial, politik, falsafah dan ideologi, hal-hal kerohanian dan pemikiran. Malam tadi Ustaz ini merumuskan dengan mengatakan bahawa Islam mempunyai sifat "multi-dimensi" seperti berikut:
- Dimensi ritual, ( solat, puasa , zakat, haji zikir dan sebagainya).
- Dimensi mystical, (iaitu hal-hal ilmu tasawwuf, bagaimana mencucikan hati, apa erti taqwa, kesabaran, redha, syukur, kerinduan dll)
- Dimensi ideologi, (e.g prinsip Islam mengenai ketuhanan, ekonomi, hubungan antara negara, antara agama dll)
- Dimensi intelektual ( e.g ayat-ayat yang merangsang aqal, mengenal diri, mengenal Allah, perihal penciptaan Allah di langit-langit dan di bumi dll).
- Dimensi Sosial, (kebajikan, kemasyarakatan, kekeluargaan, hati budi dll).
Dalam Sahih Imam Bukhari yang disyarahkan oleh oleh Ibnu Hajar Askalani mengatakan bahawa dalam 20 juz / bahagian, hanya 4 juz / bahagian sahaja yang ditumpukan pada ibadah ritual. Malangnya, kata Ustaz ini, rata-rata umat Islam di mana-mana suka menumpu perhatian yang terlalu banyak atau terlalu panjang pada hal-hal ibadah ritual sahaja dan amat sedikit kepada ibadah dalam dimensi yang lainnya. Oleh kerana yang demikian kita perhatikan bahawa amat kurang sekali hal-hal seperti sains dan teknologi, penyelidikan dalam semua bidang kehidupan, ekonomi, kewangan dan perbankan dan lain-lain di perbincangkan dan dilaksanakan.
Maka nampaklalah seolah-olah Islam adalah agama yang cetek konsep dan nilainya. Orang-orang bukan Islam terserelah dalam banyak bidang dan nampaklah bahawa orang Islam adalah umat yang mundur. Kalau pengikut agama Islam di lihat sebagai mundur, maka seolah-olah hilanglah kebesaran Islam, hilanglah imej Islam sebagai agama yang seraba sempurna. Jadi seolah-olah Islam "diperkecilkan" walaupun dengan tidak disedari dan dengan tidak disenghajakan. Kerana inilah maka Ustaz pada malam itu mengatakan Islam "seperti dibonsaikan". Dari pokok yang besar gagah, ia menjadi kecil, nampak cantik tetapi cuma menjadi seperti "perhiasan" sahaja. Alangkah malangnya ! ! dan malunya kalau demikian rupa. Bagaimana pula kita Umat Islam akan dinilai oleh Allah, Rabbul jalil di hari Akhir nanti. Dimana tanggung jawab kita sebagai khalifah di muka bumi ini? Ataukah kita sudah boleh digelar khalifah seperti yang dituntut didalam alQuran. Marilah sama-sama kita fikirkan. Saya rasa gerun untuk menghadapai hari kita dijemput kembali. Saya berpendapat para pendakwah harus juga membuat sedikit anjakkan paradigma dalam mentarbiah masyarakat. Ini hanya pendapat. Sama-sama kita renungkan.Namun kita ingat juga bahawa membangun dengan Ruh yang gersang pun tidak memenuhi kehendak Allah swt.
Semoga Allah memberi ruang dan peluang untuk kita membela diri di hadapanNya nanti.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
There has been frequent gatherings of senior ladies and I have been invited as associate member once in a while. Yesterday was one occasion and the gathering was held also in conjunction with the Eid celebration. This is a get together of ex senior, very senior, civil servants and many have achieved outstanding positions in their own area of specialization. Some are from the private sector. Some are still working under contract and some are working on their own. They seem to be enjoying themselves, though at times they feel rather restrained when remembering their colleagues who has passed away.
I "enjoyed" myself eating ( a little control because of my diabetes) and taking photographs and talking about "the weather" and I am sharing them with you as shown below. Most of them were from premier boarding secondary schools and many were trained overseas. A familiar social get together with lavish serving of local culinary specialties.
They talked on various subjects but little on how to move forward lifting our awareness into the dimension of after life. Maybe this is done on other occasions. I hope to be invited on those occasions too. Until such time my Du'a is "may Allah bless us all".
I "enjoyed" myself eating ( a little control because of my diabetes) and taking photographs and talking about "the weather" and I am sharing them with you as shown below. Most of them were from premier boarding secondary schools and many were trained overseas. A familiar social get together with lavish serving of local culinary specialties.
They talked on various subjects but little on how to move forward lifting our awareness into the dimension of after life. Maybe this is done on other occasions. I hope to be invited on those occasions too. Until such time my Du'a is "may Allah bless us all".
May Allah grant us a happy life here and hereafter. Amin.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
"Brain to brain, at best, we will only equal them. It is Brain to Brain to Ruh that will give us the Cutting Edge." Wo...Wo....Wo... what was that all about? Remarked a friend when I said that with a tone that sounded more like a sermon than giving an opinion.
Nothing great, folks! I was just remembering my days at the office many years ago as I went through my "garbage" which I treasured, but now think maybe its time to throw them away for good.
Satu hari lebih 10 tahun yang lalu aku duduk "bersembang-sembang" dengan seorang pegawai khas menteri pendidikan yang kebetulan dia seorang kawan akrab, mengenai hal-hal dasar pendidikan dengan tujuan memberi pandangan di mana kekuatan dasar kita dan di mana kelemahannya. Ini lebih sepuluh tahun yang lalu dan mungkin sudah tidak relevan lagi. Tapi bila aku dengar-dengar dan aku lihat-lihat dan aku renung-renung hal-hal di sekeliling, aku rasa masih ada sesuatu yang tidak begitu kena dengan dasar pendidikan kita yang menyebabkan masyarakat kita jadi begini sekarang ini. Apa maksud "jadi begini?", pasti ada yang bertanya demikian.
Semua orang tahu pembentukan minda masyarakat, pembentukan budayanya dan lain-lain lagi yang berkaitan dengannya bukan hasil dari dasar pendidikan semata-mata. Ia adalah hasil kesemua dasar dalam negara tapi yang pentingnya adalah pendidikan. Kalau pendidikan kita sekular, maka sekularlah majority rakyatnya. Fenomena seperti ini boleh berlaku di mana-mana.
Kalau pendidikan kita bersifat sekular maka kekuatan minda kita pun hanya berkisar dalam ruang linkup sekular. Kita telah lihat hari ini bagaimana negara Islam, atau negara yang majoriti rakyatnya Islam cuba mengejar kemajuan menggunakan wadah sekular, maka kita lihat hasil nya yang amat tidak memuaskan. Rata-rata negara-negara seperti itu hanya menjadi "pengikut". Tidak dapat menerajui kempimpinan yang benar-benar dapat mempengaruhi kuasa asing untuk tunduk padanya.
Sudah terbukti dalam sejarah Islam bahawa Kepimpinan negara Islam telah dapat menguasai dunia satu ketika dulu, terutama dizaman khulafa' Rosyidin. Dari fakta ini lah aku cenderung mengatakan kalau kita hanya menggunakan aqal / minda, kita hanya boleh setaraf dengan kuasa yang kita ingin tandingi. Kita tidak dapat menguasi mereka sepenuhnya. Hari ini kita lihat kepimpinan negara Islam banyak yang tunduk pada kehendak musuh-musuh Islam. Mereka hanya meyakini bahawa untuk berkuasa kita mesti kaya dan punya kekuatan tentera yang gagah perkasa. Kita lupa Allah telah buktikan dalam sejarah Islam bahawa jika kita kuat minda dan kuat iman dan taqwa, Allah akan perintahkan malaikat untuk membantu. Ingatlah satu peristiwa di zaman (kalau tak silap) Saidina Umar R.A di mana ia memberi tahu panglima perangnya kedudukan musuhnya semasa ia sedang berkhubah Jumaat. Bila ditanya sahabat pada kemudianya semacam ada sesuatu yang tidak kena, Umar menceritakan perihal perang yang ia nampak kedudukan tentra Islam yang terkepung. Ini ilham dari Allah kerana Allah telah membuka hijab hatinya. Ini terbukti iman dan taqwa boleh membuat kita "kalis radar dan kalis virus".Teknologi perlu, memang perlu. Dan logistik peperangan pun perlu. Tetapi iman dan taqwa akan mentukan pertolongan Allah sebenarnya.
Orang Islam di dunia sekarang ini bilangannya ramai. Tetapi musuh-musuh kita tidak menunjukan bahawa mereka gentar dengak kita. Antara sebabnya ilah kita ramai dari segi quantiti tetapi amat rendah dari segi qualiti. Dalam Islam qantiti dan qualiti adalah penting, tetapi QUALITY lebih dititiberatkan. Qualiti bukan saja dari segi akal fikiran tetapi dari segi ketaqwaan pada Allah swt. Hadith berikut dapat memberi kefahaman ini:
" Dikhuatirkan keaddan kamu nanti akan diperebutkan oleh umat lain daripada setiap penjuru sepertimana perebutan makanan disekeliling dulang. Sahabat Nabi bertanya: Adakah kerana jumlah kita sedikit, sehingga kita diperebutkan oleh kaum lain dari setiap penjuru? Nabi menjawab: Jumlah kamu besar dan ramai tetapi keadaan kamu ketika itu tidak ubah seperti buih (banjir buih). Allah telah melenyapkan keluar rasa takut dari hati musuh-musuh kamu terhadap kamu. Pada masa yang sama ada dalam hati kamu 'wahn' ( iaitu rasa takut dan bimbang).Nabi kata mereka suka pada dunia dan takut akan mati."
Ini yang membimbangkan Nabi terhadap umatnya. Musuh tidak gerun pada orang Islam.
Itu yang aku katakan Brain to Brain you will only equal them at best. Its Brain to Brain to Ruh that gives you the cutting edge. Yakinlah wahai teman. Jalan ini sahaja kita boeh menanag. Sebab Allah telah janji dalam Surah An Nur ayat 55, 56, dan 57 bahawa umat Islam akan memerintah bumi ini, tetapi ia bersyarat. Lihat terjemahan ayat-ayat seperti berikut:
" 55) Allah menjanjikan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh diantara kamu: bahawa Ia akan menjadikan mereka khalifah-khalifah yang memegang kuasa pemerintahan di bumi, sebagaimana Ia telah menjadikan orang-orang yang sebelum mereka: khalifah yang berkuasa; dan Ia akan menguatkan dan mengembangkan agama mereka yang telah diredhainya untuk mereka; dan ia juga akan menggantikan bagi mereka keamanan setelah mereka mengalami ketakutan (dari ancaman musuh). Mereka terus beribadah kepada Ku denga tidak mempersekutukan sesuatu yang lain denganKu. Dan siapa yang kufur engkar selepas itu, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik.
56) Dan dirikanlah oleh kamu akan solat serta berilah zakat; dan taatlah kamu kepada Rasul supaya kamu beroleh Rahmat.
57) Janganlah kamu menyangka orang-orang kafir itu akan dapat melemahkan kekuasaan Allah di dunia, sedang tempat kembali mereka ialah Neraka; dan sesungguhnya Neraka itu seburuk-buruk tempat kembali."
Pada hari ini , bukan orang Islam yang memerintah sebahagian besar dunia. Tetapi jika kita perhatikan, mereka sentiasa dalam ketakutan. Dan kerana ketakutan mereka menyerang negara Islam dulu, (preemptive war). Dalam ayat di atas Allah menjanjikan Allah akan gantikan rasa ketakutan dengan ketenanagan. Ayuh, yakinlah kita dengan janji Allah. Semoga pemimpin-peminpin juga akan meningkatkan Iman dan Taqwa dan mengatur strategy baru untuk bertahan. Jika mereka menyerang, kita tidak teragak-agak untuk berjuang bermati-matian. Kenapa agaknya perang di Afghanistan telah belarutan 8 tahun tapi tentera Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya belum boleh mengalahkan yang mereka anggap "terrorists". Sayangnya orang Islam tidak bersatu hati dan belum mencapai tahap keimanan yang benar-benar dapat menyatupadukan kesemuanya. Mungkin sebab itulah belum tercapai hasrat menjadi "khalifah di bumi" seperti di sebut dalam ayat di atas.
Ayuh, kita kembali pada jalan Allah sepenuhnya. Jangan sebahagian-sebahagian sahaja. Ayuh kita tingkatkan Iman dan Ehsan Janji Allah pasti tiba. Ya Allah berilah pertolongan pada kami. Kepada Engkau kami semua akan kembali.
Nothing great, folks! I was just remembering my days at the office many years ago as I went through my "garbage" which I treasured, but now think maybe its time to throw them away for good.
Satu hari lebih 10 tahun yang lalu aku duduk "bersembang-sembang" dengan seorang pegawai khas menteri pendidikan yang kebetulan dia seorang kawan akrab, mengenai hal-hal dasar pendidikan dengan tujuan memberi pandangan di mana kekuatan dasar kita dan di mana kelemahannya. Ini lebih sepuluh tahun yang lalu dan mungkin sudah tidak relevan lagi. Tapi bila aku dengar-dengar dan aku lihat-lihat dan aku renung-renung hal-hal di sekeliling, aku rasa masih ada sesuatu yang tidak begitu kena dengan dasar pendidikan kita yang menyebabkan masyarakat kita jadi begini sekarang ini. Apa maksud "jadi begini?", pasti ada yang bertanya demikian.
Semua orang tahu pembentukan minda masyarakat, pembentukan budayanya dan lain-lain lagi yang berkaitan dengannya bukan hasil dari dasar pendidikan semata-mata. Ia adalah hasil kesemua dasar dalam negara tapi yang pentingnya adalah pendidikan. Kalau pendidikan kita sekular, maka sekularlah majority rakyatnya. Fenomena seperti ini boleh berlaku di mana-mana.
Kalau pendidikan kita bersifat sekular maka kekuatan minda kita pun hanya berkisar dalam ruang linkup sekular. Kita telah lihat hari ini bagaimana negara Islam, atau negara yang majoriti rakyatnya Islam cuba mengejar kemajuan menggunakan wadah sekular, maka kita lihat hasil nya yang amat tidak memuaskan. Rata-rata negara-negara seperti itu hanya menjadi "pengikut". Tidak dapat menerajui kempimpinan yang benar-benar dapat mempengaruhi kuasa asing untuk tunduk padanya.
Sudah terbukti dalam sejarah Islam bahawa Kepimpinan negara Islam telah dapat menguasai dunia satu ketika dulu, terutama dizaman khulafa' Rosyidin. Dari fakta ini lah aku cenderung mengatakan kalau kita hanya menggunakan aqal / minda, kita hanya boleh setaraf dengan kuasa yang kita ingin tandingi. Kita tidak dapat menguasi mereka sepenuhnya. Hari ini kita lihat kepimpinan negara Islam banyak yang tunduk pada kehendak musuh-musuh Islam. Mereka hanya meyakini bahawa untuk berkuasa kita mesti kaya dan punya kekuatan tentera yang gagah perkasa. Kita lupa Allah telah buktikan dalam sejarah Islam bahawa jika kita kuat minda dan kuat iman dan taqwa, Allah akan perintahkan malaikat untuk membantu. Ingatlah satu peristiwa di zaman (kalau tak silap) Saidina Umar R.A di mana ia memberi tahu panglima perangnya kedudukan musuhnya semasa ia sedang berkhubah Jumaat. Bila ditanya sahabat pada kemudianya semacam ada sesuatu yang tidak kena, Umar menceritakan perihal perang yang ia nampak kedudukan tentra Islam yang terkepung. Ini ilham dari Allah kerana Allah telah membuka hijab hatinya. Ini terbukti iman dan taqwa boleh membuat kita "kalis radar dan kalis virus".Teknologi perlu, memang perlu. Dan logistik peperangan pun perlu. Tetapi iman dan taqwa akan mentukan pertolongan Allah sebenarnya.
Orang Islam di dunia sekarang ini bilangannya ramai. Tetapi musuh-musuh kita tidak menunjukan bahawa mereka gentar dengak kita. Antara sebabnya ilah kita ramai dari segi quantiti tetapi amat rendah dari segi qualiti. Dalam Islam qantiti dan qualiti adalah penting, tetapi QUALITY lebih dititiberatkan. Qualiti bukan saja dari segi akal fikiran tetapi dari segi ketaqwaan pada Allah swt. Hadith berikut dapat memberi kefahaman ini:
" Dikhuatirkan keaddan kamu nanti akan diperebutkan oleh umat lain daripada setiap penjuru sepertimana perebutan makanan disekeliling dulang. Sahabat Nabi bertanya: Adakah kerana jumlah kita sedikit, sehingga kita diperebutkan oleh kaum lain dari setiap penjuru? Nabi menjawab: Jumlah kamu besar dan ramai tetapi keadaan kamu ketika itu tidak ubah seperti buih (banjir buih). Allah telah melenyapkan keluar rasa takut dari hati musuh-musuh kamu terhadap kamu. Pada masa yang sama ada dalam hati kamu 'wahn' ( iaitu rasa takut dan bimbang).Nabi kata mereka suka pada dunia dan takut akan mati."
Ini yang membimbangkan Nabi terhadap umatnya. Musuh tidak gerun pada orang Islam.
" 55) Allah menjanjikan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh diantara kamu: bahawa Ia akan menjadikan mereka khalifah-khalifah yang memegang kuasa pemerintahan di bumi, sebagaimana Ia telah menjadikan orang-orang yang sebelum mereka: khalifah yang berkuasa; dan Ia akan menguatkan dan mengembangkan agama mereka yang telah diredhainya untuk mereka; dan ia juga akan menggantikan bagi mereka keamanan setelah mereka mengalami ketakutan (dari ancaman musuh). Mereka terus beribadah kepada Ku denga tidak mempersekutukan sesuatu yang lain denganKu. Dan siapa yang kufur engkar selepas itu, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik.
56) Dan dirikanlah oleh kamu akan solat serta berilah zakat; dan taatlah kamu kepada Rasul supaya kamu beroleh Rahmat.
57) Janganlah kamu menyangka orang-orang kafir itu akan dapat melemahkan kekuasaan Allah di dunia, sedang tempat kembali mereka ialah Neraka; dan sesungguhnya Neraka itu seburuk-buruk tempat kembali."
Pada hari ini , bukan orang Islam yang memerintah sebahagian besar dunia. Tetapi jika kita perhatikan, mereka sentiasa dalam ketakutan. Dan kerana ketakutan mereka menyerang negara Islam dulu, (preemptive war). Dalam ayat di atas Allah menjanjikan Allah akan gantikan rasa ketakutan dengan ketenanagan. Ayuh, yakinlah kita dengan janji Allah. Semoga pemimpin-peminpin juga akan meningkatkan Iman dan Taqwa dan mengatur strategy baru untuk bertahan. Jika mereka menyerang, kita tidak teragak-agak untuk berjuang bermati-matian. Kenapa agaknya perang di Afghanistan telah belarutan 8 tahun tapi tentera Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya belum boleh mengalahkan yang mereka anggap "terrorists". Sayangnya orang Islam tidak bersatu hati dan belum mencapai tahap keimanan yang benar-benar dapat menyatupadukan kesemuanya. Mungkin sebab itulah belum tercapai hasrat menjadi "khalifah di bumi" seperti di sebut dalam ayat di atas.
Ayuh, kita kembali pada jalan Allah sepenuhnya. Jangan sebahagian-sebahagian sahaja. Ayuh kita tingkatkan Iman dan Ehsan Janji Allah pasti tiba. Ya Allah berilah pertolongan pada kami. Kepada Engkau kami semua akan kembali.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Aku cuba memahami sajak di bawah ini yang aku jumpa dalam simpanan. Semoga Allah swt yang maha mengetahui isi hati hamba-hambaNya akan memimpin hati ini untuk bersamaNya.
...........inilah titian !
titian suci
jalan makrifat ahli hakikat menuju ilahi
tuhan maha pengasih maha penyayang selau merahmati
ku ajak mu ke sana
datanglah segera ! mari kemari!
kita mendaki meniti pelangi
membawa hati
ke hadhrat qudus di taman suci rabbani
alangkah indahnya! semuanya sepi
penuh ketenteraman penuh ketenangan jiwa insani
apakah tak mahu datang ke sini?!
kepada tuhan mu tidak mencintai?!
masih menurut nafsu syatani?!
sampingkan keduniaan lempar ke belakang daki-daki duniawi!
kikis segala kotor dan karat yang melekat hati sanubari
biarkan sampai bersih putih suci
harum mewangi bercahaya nurani
supaya sesuai untuk pandangan pencipta insani
tuhan semesta alam rabbul-alamina rahim rahmani
..................ilahi rabbi!
aku berdoa memohon kurnia kelimpahan rahsia
rahsia makrifat
rahsia hakikat
rahsia kaum orang bahagia
namun aku merasa sedih .......... berdukacita
jiwa ku kotor ....... berkarat berdaki orang sengsara
hati pun lalai sering lupakan mu selalu alpa
fikiran kabur berpura-pura
haluan bercelaru entah ke mana
bentengilah aku ....... bentengilah segera!
dalam istana makrifat taman hakikat kemuncak gembira.
Syed Ahmad Semait.
...........inilah titian !
titian suci
jalan makrifat ahli hakikat menuju ilahi
tuhan maha pengasih maha penyayang selau merahmati
ku ajak mu ke sana
datanglah segera ! mari kemari!
kita mendaki meniti pelangi
membawa hati
ke hadhrat qudus di taman suci rabbani
alangkah indahnya! semuanya sepi
penuh ketenteraman penuh ketenangan jiwa insani
apakah tak mahu datang ke sini?!
kepada tuhan mu tidak mencintai?!
masih menurut nafsu syatani?!
sampingkan keduniaan lempar ke belakang daki-daki duniawi!
kikis segala kotor dan karat yang melekat hati sanubari
biarkan sampai bersih putih suci
harum mewangi bercahaya nurani
supaya sesuai untuk pandangan pencipta insani
tuhan semesta alam rabbul-alamina rahim rahmani
..................ilahi rabbi!
aku berdoa memohon kurnia kelimpahan rahsia
rahsia makrifat
rahsia hakikat
rahsia kaum orang bahagia
namun aku merasa sedih .......... berdukacita
jiwa ku kotor ....... berkarat berdaki orang sengsara
hati pun lalai sering lupakan mu selalu alpa
fikiran kabur berpura-pura
haluan bercelaru entah ke mana
bentengilah aku ....... bentengilah segera!
dalam istana makrifat taman hakikat kemuncak gembira.
Syed Ahmad Semait.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Taufiq @ pejuang kecil.

Satu yang indah dalam cara masyarakt Malaysia merayakan Eidulfitri ialah perkumpulan dan perjumpaan sanak saudara jauh dan dekat. Maka betullah pepatah mengatakan: YANG JAUH DI DEKATKAN, YANG DEKAT DIRAPATKAN, YANG RAPAT DIMESRAKAN.
Apa yang ingin dikongsikan kali ini ialah melihat proses pendewasaan cucu-cucu dan cicit-cicit Emak dan Bapak ku ketika perayaan Eidulfitri. Emak ku meninggalkan oneng-oneng, iaitu lima generasi ke bawah. Untuk lebih jelas lagi, cucu Emak ku sudah ada cucu.
Cucu dan cicit yang bilangnya aku tak pasti sekarang, mempunyai berbagai ragam dan berbagai nilai hidup mengikut ragam dan nilai hidup ibu bapa mereka yang mempunyai latar pendidikan formal yang berbagai dan pendedahan kepada unsur-unsur penghidupan yang berbagai. Ada yang membesar di kampung dan ada yang di bandar dan ada yang kedua-duanya sekali.
Dalam yang ramai-ramai itu satu keluarga ini menarik perhatian ku. Dia cucu pada kakak ku yang bapanya berkerja dengan Petronas dan sentiasa berpindah randah tempat berkerja. Pada Eidulfitri kali ini mereka datang dari Trengganu. Namanya Taufiq dan masih sekolah rendah. Bila bersalaman dia di "ejek" oleh kakak-kakak dan abang-abangnya supaya jangan menangis. Aku bertanya apa salahnya menangis? Eee,..Tak best la Tok Chu! ( gelaran panggilan dalam keluarga di Pontian). Dia apa sikit pun suka nangis. Eh, .. nanti dulu. Jangan cepat buat tanggapan, kalau suka menangis tu tak best. Aku cuba menepis pendapat mereka. Aku lihat mukanya berubah dan dia terus beredar tempat ke ruang tamu.
Sudah agak lama aku perhatikan Taufik ini agak berlainan. Pada ku dia berwatakkan sensitif dan amat perhatin pada adiknya. Taufik adalah anak ketujuh dari lapan orang anak. Satu hari aku dan suami menziarahi mereka di Kuala Trengganu sambil melihat-lihat kempen pilihan raya kecil tidak lama dahulu di mana parti PAS telah menang. Dia hendak ikut sama "berkempen". Tetapi kami melarangnya kerana dia masih terlalu muda untuk melibat diri dalam hal-hal seperti ini. Kami pun hanya suka-suka melihat ramainya orang berkempen dari dua-dua belah pihak.
Esuknya bila kami hendak pulang, Taufik membawa dompet duit nya dan berkata' "Tok Chu ini duit Topik kumpul nak bagi pada orang Palestin,". Terkejut besar ku lihat. Mak nya pun sama terkejut. "Betul ke nak bagi ni?" Aku cuba meyakinkan didri ku. "Ia, Tok Chu. Tak apalah. Nanti Topik kumpul lagi." Aku ambil dan aku kira. Semuanya ada lebih 80 Ringgit. Rasa terharu melihat sikapnya.Kata Maknya dikumpul duit Raya dan duit belanja sekolah sedikit-sedikit.
Maka teringat aku peristiwa itu dan ku kata pada adi beradik yang lain bila dia diejek suka nangis. "Jangan perli Topik. Dia nangislah sebab mungkin kali ini saja dia jumpa Tok Chu yang dah tua ni." Yang lain diam. Topik pada ku adalah pejuang kecil. Dari umur sebegitu muda sudah faham perjuangan membebaskan Masjid al Aqsa dan sekali gos membebaskan Palestine, bumi barakah uamt Islam."Jangan silap sangka, orang senang nangis bukan mesti dia 'lembik'. Topik kuat lah maka Topik nangis. Dia kuat pada perasaan dan perasaan itulah yang dorong buat kita jadi kuat pada diri kita." Ku cuba bela dia di depan adik beradiknya. Yang tak nangis tu mungkin yang kena tengok kenapa susah nak nangis. Takut hati tak peka pada perihal di sekeliling kita. Terdiam yang lainnya. Topik nampak lega dan beredar untuk Solat Zohor kerana sudah masuk waktu. Aku terus terharu, rupanya ada yang memahami perbincakangku dan percakapan ku dalam keluarga. Seorang pun sudah memberi rangsangan untuk terus berbuat sesuatu memperjuangkan kebenaran Islam ini. Alhamdulilah, semoga makin bertambah ahli keluarga ku yang mahu jadi pejuang, bukan sentiasa mengikut sahaja.
adik bongsu Taufik
Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk dan memberi hidayah dan dan kebijaksanaan yang unggul untuk menjalani hidup dalam ruang lingkup Tauhid Islam.
Friday, October 2, 2009

A new born for my son Azrul and wife Sarah. Alhamdulilah. A first grand daughter of five grandchildren for us and a second child for Azrul and Sarah. Oh! what an excitement. She looks almost like the mother, fair and beautiful. My late mother in law would usually have a lot of beautiful adjectives for a bundle of joy like that. On the seventh day of her birth, she would be officially named Balqis Raihana.
Sarah will have a little problem managing the new born because the maid has just resigned before the Eid. But I have no doubt Azrul will work harder to help around. Tomorrow she will go back to her mother's house in Kedah to rest and do the "pantang". It is about 40 days of strict rituals to make sure mother and baby will be strong and healthy, insyaAllah.
May Allah bless Azrul's young family and may they grow stronger each day submitting to the will of the most Loving, most Merciful.
of Cancer, Diabetes, Chronic Diseases, etc, etc
Alhamdulilah, God alMighty Allah put breaks into our drive and zest for life. Some may have cancer, some may have stones in the bladder, some may have.... you name it. And I have a heart problem , diabetes, blood pressure, floaters in my eyes to name some. Alhamdulilah, all praises be to Allah who loves His servants. He wants us to sit back and think wisely and hold steadfast to the fact that He is our Creator and He is our Sustainer. He wants us to hold steadfast that He is One and Only and all of us are subject to His Reckonings on the day of Final Judgement.
All of us are in some ways a sick person. We may be physically fit, as fit as a fiddle. But we may not be so fit emotionally and mentally. We may even be sick spiritually. Those who are physically sick or less fit are privileged to be able to look for antidotes where ever and however possible. The problem arises when one is sick but do not yet recognize and know that he or she is sick. This is especially true if one's soul or one's spirit is "sick" and immobilized. This has a multiple effect on one's other physical condition, that is mentally or emotionally and it takes control of one's physical and mental well being.In a common language, one may fall into serious depression.
I shall not indulge into this field because I am no expert at. Suffice to say that God alMighty has absolute ownership of our soul and body. All that is said above is in the alQuran, partly in Chapter 32, As Sajda, verses 4-11 translated as follows by Abdullah Yusuf Ali :
4. It is Allah who has created the heavens and the earth,
and all between them, in six Days,
And is firmly established on the Throne (of authority)
Ye have none, besides Him, to protect or intercede (for you)
Will Ye not then Receive admonition ?
5. He rules (all affairs) from the heavens to the earth:
in the end will (all affairs) go up to Him, on a Day,
The space whereof will be (as) a thousand years
Of your reckoning.
6. Such is he, the Knower of all things hidden and open,
the Exalted (in power), the Merciful.
7. He Who has made everything that He has created most good :
He began the creation of man with (not more than) clay,
8. And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature
of a fluid despised :
9. But He fashioned him in due proportion,
and breathed into him something of His Spirit.
And He gave you (the faculties of ) hearing and sight
and feeling (and understanding) :
Little thanks do ye give !
10. And they say: " What ! when we lie, hidden and lost, in the earth,
Shall we indeed be in a creation renewed ?"
Nay, they deny the Meeting with their Lord !
11. Say : "the angel of Death, put in charge of you,
will (duly) take your Souls :
Then shall ye be brought back to your Lord."
What is most important, in my humble opinion, is not just the suffering and the pain that one has to undergo and bear physically, but it is the spirit and soul that one has to nurture based on divine values to the point of total submission to God alMighty. Allah has "mysterious" ways to show His love and care. We must "go out there" and "discover" this phenomena so we can live this life blissfully whatever our condition is. Take no comfort just because one is young, or one is healthy and bouncing, for when the Final Curtain is drawn on us, there is no turning back and there is no postponement.
Let us not just take pity on others who are sick and suffering, but let us also " take pity" on ourselves for perhaps thinking that they who are sick are suffering in vain and those who are not sick are lucky and blessed. It could be that the very opposite is true. For Allah, God alMighty , His measurement of Love, Mercy and Fairness is totally very unlike the way human beings like us think and do.
May Allah bless us all, in poverty or in wealth, in sickness or in health.
All of us are in some ways a sick person. We may be physically fit, as fit as a fiddle. But we may not be so fit emotionally and mentally. We may even be sick spiritually. Those who are physically sick or less fit are privileged to be able to look for antidotes where ever and however possible. The problem arises when one is sick but do not yet recognize and know that he or she is sick. This is especially true if one's soul or one's spirit is "sick" and immobilized. This has a multiple effect on one's other physical condition, that is mentally or emotionally and it takes control of one's physical and mental well being.In a common language, one may fall into serious depression.
I shall not indulge into this field because I am no expert at. Suffice to say that God alMighty has absolute ownership of our soul and body. All that is said above is in the alQuran, partly in Chapter 32, As Sajda, verses 4-11 translated as follows by Abdullah Yusuf Ali :
4. It is Allah who has created the heavens and the earth,
and all between them, in six Days,
And is firmly established on the Throne (of authority)
Ye have none, besides Him, to protect or intercede (for you)
Will Ye not then Receive admonition ?
5. He rules (all affairs) from the heavens to the earth:
in the end will (all affairs) go up to Him, on a Day,
The space whereof will be (as) a thousand years
Of your reckoning.
6. Such is he, the Knower of all things hidden and open,
the Exalted (in power), the Merciful.
7. He Who has made everything that He has created most good :
He began the creation of man with (not more than) clay,
8. And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature
of a fluid despised :
9. But He fashioned him in due proportion,
and breathed into him something of His Spirit.
And He gave you (the faculties of ) hearing and sight
and feeling (and understanding) :
Little thanks do ye give !
10. And they say: " What ! when we lie, hidden and lost, in the earth,
Shall we indeed be in a creation renewed ?"
Nay, they deny the Meeting with their Lord !
11. Say : "the angel of Death, put in charge of you,
will (duly) take your Souls :
Then shall ye be brought back to your Lord."
What is most important, in my humble opinion, is not just the suffering and the pain that one has to undergo and bear physically, but it is the spirit and soul that one has to nurture based on divine values to the point of total submission to God alMighty. Allah has "mysterious" ways to show His love and care. We must "go out there" and "discover" this phenomena so we can live this life blissfully whatever our condition is. Take no comfort just because one is young, or one is healthy and bouncing, for when the Final Curtain is drawn on us, there is no turning back and there is no postponement.
Let us not just take pity on others who are sick and suffering, but let us also " take pity" on ourselves for perhaps thinking that they who are sick are suffering in vain and those who are not sick are lucky and blessed. It could be that the very opposite is true. For Allah, God alMighty , His measurement of Love, Mercy and Fairness is totally very unlike the way human beings like us think and do.
May Allah bless us all, in poverty or in wealth, in sickness or in health.
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