For some reason I was up early last Tuesday morning, like at 4am and all excited to start a new day. My mind was focused on how I could rearrange my daily routine so I will not miss my appointment to meet up with a new-found friend I am privileged to know through reading her Blog. At 7am I drove my grandson to school at Melawati some 20 odd kilometers away. It took one and a half hours in the early morning traffic jam to and fro. On reaching home I made a quick breakfast for dear hubby and we hurried through it because my hubby was also in a hurry to meet a friend in KL. At 10am I picked up my other friend to go to our regular class which on normal days we would go separately. She happens to know this friend and it was comforting to drive to a new place with a friend who is familiar with the area.We reached her place at about noon.
It was an exciting moment to meet for the first time. She had a big smile and I could almost immediately recognize her for she look very much like the picture in her blog profile. The serene ambiance of her living room made me feel comfortable almost instantly. We got into telling stories of what we did lately as though we have known each other for years. I brought flowers as a token to seal our new friendship. But it was no match against her beautiful garden around the house. Here are some of the flowers I had time to record. She had some great plants with beautiful flowers which I missed taking.
We had an early lunch. It was simple but well crafted to suit our dietary restrictions. I learned that she has a fantastic culinary talents and her children just love her cooking. May be on our next meeting she would demonstrate it to us. I look forward to that occasion.
"KERABU JANTUNG" seated on the left.
We sat and talked about our children and grand children, the joys and the worry. But we are quick to agree that our children and the subsequent generations could never be the same as us. We laughed it out and move on to talk and exchange notes on what we learn in our classes. She took up courses at the International Islamic University almost immediately after she quit work at 50. She took a subject few of us would venture into, that is the various ways the alQuran could be read. (Qiraats). She explained to us briefly for almost an hour and we just listened with awe and excitement. She could go for more but I requested to adjourn because it was time for me to go and pick up my grandson from school. Fortunately it was only 10 minutes drive from her home.
That last one hour together inspired me to do more than what I am doing right now, albeit to be more diligent in acquiring new knowledge. I am now thinking if I should really find time to learn more about this branch of knowledge which I had passed it as being too difficult to handle. She said otherwise. If we could set our mind and believe in our ability to learn for the sake of Islam, Allah will show us the way. I am giving it a serious thought.
We had time to sit at her patio and enjoy her backyard garden. She has a fish pond and various plants, a very relaxing atmosphere. How I wish I had more time "to stand and stare" at the beautiful surrounding full of lush greens.