Thursday, November 6, 2014


        And words are all I have....
Don't ever diminish the power of words. Words move hearts, and hearts move limbs.......hamza yusuf.

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf was born in US and became a Muslim at Age 17 after an almost fatal car accident. Alhamdulilah a friend "introduce" him to me via listening to him in the U Tube lectures. I fall in love with the way he lectures, very unassuming and precise with the words he uses. He uses powerful words that can move hearts and mind. He moves me, for sure and how I hope and du'a may be one day I can listen to him in person.

Some people called him a celebrity Scholar. Reading his unofficial biography I could not stop wondering if I could follow his foot steps in his effort to learn Islam. He spent almost 10 years in Mauritania, a God forsaken place as some would say. It is very underdeveloped but he came out triumphant. He became part of a traditional educational institutional system few or no western scholar would dare venture. 

One thing he said was exceptional in that system is the fact that the teaching and learning process developed an internal strength that he could retain facts he learned quite easily, a virtue no western education could do. He memorized the Quran and Hadiths and that so called "rote-learning" by some western expert,  gave strength to his memory and spiritual well being.

Hamza Yusuf is known as an eloquent and moving speaker and able to grip and stunt the audience with is oratory capability.

Alhamdulillah, May Allah be pleased with him.

Words, precise and beautiful, could capture hearts and mind. We have heard of the late Dr Martin Luther King, the Civil Rights leader in US who was gunned down in the late nineteen-sixty eight or so by his enemy. His powerful words touched the hearts of thousands of people who came to march to the White House to present the Case of Civil Liberties. People could stand still for  four hours and more listening and responding to his call for Freedom.

Allah made him such a man.....
And words are all he had...

Soekarno, the President of Indonesia in the last century also made his name  by his ability to use precise words and his ability to present them in ways that could almost hypnotize his listeners. And we remember him by his "Ganyang Malaysia" policy. The rest is history....

Those are words in action....
May Allah bless us all.


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