Saturday, October 10, 2009


There has been frequent gatherings of senior ladies and I have been invited as associate member once in a while. Yesterday was one occasion and the gathering was held also in conjunction with the Eid celebration. This is a get together of ex senior, very senior, civil servants and many have achieved outstanding positions in their own area of specialization. Some are from the private sector. Some are still working under contract and some are working on their own. They seem to be enjoying themselves, though at times they feel rather restrained when remembering their colleagues who has passed away.

I "enjoyed" myself eating ( a little control because of my diabetes) and taking photographs and talking about "the weather" and I am sharing them with you as shown below. Most of them were from premier boarding secondary schools and many were trained overseas. A familiar social get together with lavish serving of local culinary specialties.

They talked on various subjects but little on how to move forward lifting our awareness into the dimension of after life. Maybe this is done on other occasions. I hope to be invited on those occasions too. Until such time my Du'a is "may Allah bless us all".

May Allah grant us a happy life here and hereafter. Amin.

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