Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Ramadhan must finally take leave....slowly but surely. We may have tears in our eyes feeling sombre at times but nevertheless a feeling lined with full gratitude over what our Creator Allah swt has bestowed upon us in this blissful month.

May He be pleased with our good deeds and may He forgive us for all the weaknesses and short comings within ourselves. May He grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change and to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.

With His Guidance we will move forward mindful of our failures and shortfalls but fully encouraged with the assurance that Allah swt is most Forgiving, most Gracious most Merciful. 

And tomorrow, by His Grace, we will celebrate Eid ul Fitri. May all our brothers and sisters in Islam, where ever they are and in whatever situation they are in, be blessed with all good tidings. May all our prayers and Du'a be granted and may our wishes come true in the manner and form suited best to our needs as Allah is All Knowing, most Wise. May He bestow upon us the sublime endowments for now, or the near future or in our later life or in the hereafter.



Werdah said...

Assalamu'alaikum kak

Selamat menyambut 'idul fitri mulia. Diharapkan segala kesilapan dimaafkan dan semoga segala amalan baik kita diterima serta mendapat keampunan dariNya serta direzekikan pula bertemu lagi Ramadhan tahun hadapan. Maaf zahir batin

ngasobahseliman said...

Sama-sama. Moga Werda sihat-sihat. Akak masaalah lutut. Tapi masih boleh solat berdiri. Alhamdulilah. Semoga Allah ampunkan dosa-dosa kita dan kedua ibu bapa kita. Salam.

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